snakesafe's albums
Fredric Durrette is my real name. "Snakesafe" comes from my love of snakes and my current job. I have a degree in commercial photography. I collect vintage bicycles, vintage Barbie dolls, old cameras, old microscopes, art deco and art nouveau. Retired after 23 years in the navy submarine service, now work in the parks and recreation field as a safety manager. Having used Hasselblads and Pentax cameras during the film days, my move to digital is still Pentax.
Pentax K7, Pentax K200D, Pentax 50-200 zoom, Pentax 18-55 zoom, Pentax 100mm macro, Kiron 105mm macro and Canon 500D close-up filter. Wild M20 and Nikon S microscopes.
Summerville, South Carolina
United States